Mobile app
Healthcare & Wellness


The app helps users manage their emotions and improve mental well-being through interactive scenarios created by psychologists.
About the task

The focus was on creating an engaging and user-friendly experience that encourages regular use. The app includes an admin panel for reviewing non-confidential user data to help with future improvements.

In this project we used

Engaging User Experience

Developed an interactive application that allows users to explore and manage their emotions in an engaging way, enhancing their overall experience.

Regular Emotion Management

Included features that encourage users to consistently use the app, helping them to effectively manage and overcome negative emotions.

Admin Panel for Data Review

Built an admin panel that enables the client to review non-confidential user data, providing valuable insights for future enhancements and research.

Customer feedback
“We are super happy to work with Valtorian, everything since super convenient, the best thing for me in working with them is communication.”
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